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Product Liability Insurance

Product Liability Insurance shields businesses from financial consequences of claims related to damage or injury caused by their products.

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What Is

Product Liability Insurance?

Product Liability Insurance covers a spectrum of risks that your products might encounter. These could range from manufacturing defects, design flaws, or inadequate warning labels to misuse by consumers. If someone files a claim against your business because of an issue with your product then this policy can cover legal defense costs, settlements, and court judgments.

Product Liability Insurance provides a shield of protection for your business reputation as well. In a time when news travels fast and a single negative incident can severely harm your business image, having a policy that promptly addresses issues and compensates those affected can be a major asset.

Without product liability insurance, one significant claim could mean the end of the business you've worked so hard to build. With this policy, you can continue your operations, innovate, and expand your product line with the confidence that you're safeguarded against unforeseen liabilities.

Features of Product Liability Insurance:

 Works on Claims-Made Basis

Works on Claims-Made Basis

Claims need to be initiated within the policy period. The incident triggering the claim must also happen within the policy’s coverage duration.

 Retroactive Date

Retroactive Date

Your first policy’s start date is carried forward to subsequent policy renewals. Hence, you can initiate claims for incidents that occur post your first policy’s start date assuming that continuous coverage is maintained

 Insurance Period:

Insurance Period:

The insurance period spans from the retroactive date to the policy's termination date, providing coverage during this entire timeframe.

Who Needs

Product Liability Insurance?

Businesses involved in manufacturing or selling goods, as well as distributors, importers, retailers, and others interacting with products, require product liability insurance. Clients may also need this policy to safeguard against design flaws and other risks associated with the product. This insurance protects your business from claims or lawsuits resulting from bodily harm or property damage caused to any third party by defective items that your business has manufactured, distributed, or sold.

Product Liability Insurance is necessary for various kinds of businesses:






Online sellers

Online sellers

Pet supply shops

Pet supply shops

Restaurants, cloud kitchens

Restaurants, cloud kitchens

Print shops

Print shops

Why Get

Product Liability Insurance?

Introduction of Consumer Protection Act 2019 has brought significant changes to the product liability landscape in India. It includes a dedicated chapter dealing with product liability, expanding the scope of liability across the supply chain to include manufacturers, product sellers, and product service providers​. This means businesses at various points in the supply chain could face liability claims, making product liability insurance all the more critical.

Even with the utmost dedication and care put into crafting your products, they may still fall short of customer expectations. You need product liability insurance because, in case of a lawsuit, it covers legal defense costs and potential damages. Plus, it aids in covering repair or replacement expenses for defective products—even if you aren't sued. There can be design flaws, product defects, poor instructions, labels, or warnings that cause physical harm or damage to the user.

Scope of coverage under product liability insurance

  • Incidents covered: The policy provides coverage for accidents, injuries, and damages resulting from the use of the product.
  • Potential product issues: Coverage may include manufacturing defects, improper packaging, usage instructions, and delivery specifications.
  • Domestic and export sales: Certain policies offer protection for both domestic sales and exports by the insured company.
  • Claim notification: To initiate the claim process, claims must be submitted to the insurer as soon as possible.

Coverages & Exclusions in

Product Liability Insurance
This insurance protects your business from claims or lawsuits resulting from bodily harm or property damage caused by defective items that your business has manufactured, distributed, or sold. A product liability insurance policy addresses claims due to:
Product injury
It covers attorney fees and court-ordered settlements or judgment costs. This includes design flaws, manufacturing flaws, warning or use flaws, and damages and injuries stemming from proper product use.
Product-related property damage
It protects your business in case a product you sell or manufacture damages a customer's property, whether due to product defects or instruction manual errors.
Product-related illness
It covers illnesses caused by products sold or manufactured by your business, such as expired food or allergy-inducing beauty products.
Products causing wrongful death
It addresses lawsuits, burial expenses, and other costs associated with customer death resulting from your product.

Product Liability Insurance covers the following costs related to the aforementioned claims:

Legal representation costs
These include defense costs for providing documentation or information to investigators concerning product-related faults.
Public relations costs
It reimburses expenses for managing and mitigating negative company reputation due to product-related allegations.
Court attendance costs
It offers protection for reasonable costs and expenses incurred by attending court proceedings, hearings, trials, and depositions related to product-related claim defense.
Crisis communication costs
It covers costs for hiring public relations or crisis management firms to advise on public communication strategies related to product claims, lawsuits, or allegations.

Product Liability Insurance Claims Example

Incident 1Incident 2
Bodily Injury Caused by Defective Healthcare Product
An Indian pharmaceutical company supplied products overseas, which were found to have impurities above the acceptable level, causing bodily injury. Primary Concern: A design defect in the insured's product led to bodily injury.
The insurer managed defense proceedings in the USA, appointing lawyers and experts through its global network to build a strong defense, resulting in a significant reduction of claimed damages.
Incident Img

About Product Liability Insurance

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Who can be held liable in a product liability case? Plus Icon
What is a breach of warranty in product liability? Plus Icon
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Your Story
Indore-based BimaKavach caters to the Business Insurance needs of Small & Medium Enterprises

This is an article by YouStory written by Palak Agarwal and published on October, 2022

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