We believe you have heard the term group personal accident insurance. But do you know its inclusions and exclusions. Worry not. We have written this blog to help you make a wise decision. Accidents can bring financial troubles for the person affected and their family. Group personal accident insurance steps in to help by providing complete coverage if the insured person dies or gets injured due to an accident, anywhere in the world. It's like a total protection plan that can be bought for various groups such as bank customers, employees, students, and businesses, ensuring everyone in the group is covered.

What is Group Personal Accident Insurance?

Group personal accident insurance provides coverage for a group of people against accidental death or injury. It offers financial protection to the insured individuals and their dependents in case they suffer from accidents resulting in death, permanent disability, or temporary disability. This insurance typically covers accidents that occur anywhere in the world and can be purchased for various groups such as employees of a company, members of an organization, or customers of a bank. It's designed to provide peace of mind and financial support during challenging times caused by unexpected accidents.

What compensation is paid under a group personal accident insurance policy?

The compensation amount depends on the chosen sum insured in the policy.

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What are the Benefits of Group Accident Insurance?

Accidents can lead to both physical and financial struggles for the person involved and their family. If the main provider is affected, it can be even harder. That's why there's group accidental insurance. It's like a safety net for a bunch of people, covering them if they're hurt or killed in an accident.

Salient Characteristics of Group Personal Accident Insurance

· These policies can be offered to employees in different groups such as clubs, corporates, associations, institutions, and firms.

· Group personal accident insurance covers almost almost all types of injuries except alcoholism, war, breach of law, etc.

· Some plans even include an educational fund for the insured's dependent children if the insured person becomes permanently disabled or dies.

· These policies usually last for one year from the policy start date.

· Insurance providers often give discounts depending on the size of the group.

· When it's time to renew, a group accidental insurance policy can be renewed just like any other regular policy, following the same steps.

Benefits of Group Accident Insurance Policy

Accidental insurance policies for employees commonly offer several benefits:

1.Accidental Death Coverage:

If the insured employee passes away due to an accident, the insurance provider pays the insured sum to their nominee(s).

2.Permanent Partial Disability Coverage:

If the employee suffers partial disability due to injury, they receive a percentage of the sum assured, typically ranging from 2% to 60%, depending on the policy terms. The disability must last for at least 12 months.

3.Permanent Total Disability Coverage:

If the employee becomes permanently disabled due to an accident lasting for at least one month, they receive compensation up to the sum assured.

4.Educational Benefits:

The insurance company covers the cost of the insured employee's children's education in case of permanent disability or death.

5.Ambulance Charges:

The insurance company pays for ambulance charges if the employee requires transportation to the hospital after an accident.

6.Weekly Compensation:

If the employee is completely disabled due to an accident, the insurance company provides weekly compensation for a temporary period.

7.Transportation of Mortal Remains:

Most plans reimburse the cost of transporting the deceased employee's remains from the accident site to their residence, hospital, or cremation ground.

8.Medical Reimbursement:

The insurance policies reimburse hospitalization charges and medical expenses incurred due to accident-related injuries.

9.Broken Bones Coverage:

Lump sum payment is provided to the employee for bone fractures resulting from accidents or injuries.

What is Not Covered in Group Personal Accident Insurance?

In general, group personal accident insurance doesn't provide coverage for:

  • Death from natural causes
  • Injuries sustained while intoxicated.
  • Injuries resulting from breaking the law
  • Events related to war or nuclear dangers
  • Complications arising from pregnancy or childbirth
  • Injuries caused by ionizing radiation or radioactivity

How to Claim for Group Personal Accident Insurance?

To file a claim for Group Personal Accident Insurance, follow these steps:

  1. Claim Notification:
    • Contact the insurance provider by phone or email to report the accident.
    • They'll register your claim and send you a claim form along with a list of documents you need to provide.
  2. Claim Review:
    • If any documents are missing or incomplete, they'll let you know via SMS, email, or call.
    • Once they have all the required documents, they'll review your claim based on the policy terms.
  3. Claim Settlement:
    • Once they have all the necessary documents and a completed claim form, they'll start processing your claim.
    • If your claim is approved, they'll prepare a check and send it to you.
    • If your claim is rejected, they'll send a rejection letter to you or your organization's HR department.

What Documents are Required for Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy?

Claim Form

  • Police Panchanama or Police FIR
  • Coroner’s Report or Post-mortem report
  • Death Certificate
  • Notarized affidavit or succession certificate certifying the legal inheritor status when the payment is given to the beneficiary
  • Salary slip
  • Letter from the HR of the organization

Documents Required for Disablement Claim:

  • Claim Form
  • Police FIR if the accident is reported to the police
  • Pathology reports, medical papers, X-ray reports, etc., as required
  • Disability certificate provided by a reputed surgeon or government/municipality office in case of permanent disability claims
  • Sick leave certificate from the employer in case of permanent total disability claims
  • Statement from the attending physician

What all Factors Need to be Considered to Avail Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy?

1. Coverage:

Check what is covered under each policy, including accidental death, disability, medical expenses, and other benefits.

2. Premium Costs:

Compare the premium rates of different policies to find the most cost-effective option for your needs.

3. Add-Ons:

Look for any additional benefits or add-ons offered by each policy, such as coverage for specific injuries, emergency services, or other perks.

4. Exclusions:

Pay attention to any exclusions or limitations in the policy, such as pre-existing conditions or restrictions on coverage.

5. Reputation:

Consider the reputation and reliability of the insurance provider, including their claim settlement process and customer service.

By comparing these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose the best GPA policy for your employees. 


1. Are tax benefits availed on group personal accident insurance?

Group personal accident plans do not offer tax benefits for the insured, unlike health or life insurance policies which provide tax benefits on the annual premiums paid.

2. How premium is determined for group health insurance?

While determining the premium, factors such as exposure to risk and employment category take precedence, with age and income being considered secondary.

3. What all additional benefits are offered by group personal accident insurance?

Additional coverages include but not limited to

·  Educational support for the insured's family.

·   Assistance with family transportation.

·   Help with home modifications if needed.

·   Arrangements for bringing the deceased's remains back home.

4. Do I have to pay to get benefits from a group personal accident plan?

No, you don't. Group personal accident insurance is provided by the employer as part of the employee benefits package. It's a group plan, so the employer covers the premium costs.

5.What if I have an accident outside India while traveling for work or leisure?

Don't worry. With a group accident policy, you're covered worldwide. The insurance company will take care of the expenses from any accident that happens abroad.

6. Along with health and life insurance, do I need group personal accident insurance?

Health insurance takes care of medical expenses, while life insurance supports your family in case of your death. Group Accident Insurance steps in to help if you're permanently disabled or lose income due to an accident. It provides additional financial protection for accident-related difficulties.

7. State the benefits offered by a group personal accident insurance?

Group personal accident insurance typically covers accidental injuries, all types of disabilities (like permanent partial disability or total disability), temporary disabilities, and death. Some insurers may also include extra benefits such as ambulance fees, loss of income coverage, education grants, transporting remains, and broken bones coverage.

8. Are there any limits on where I can use Group Personal Accident insurance?

Accidental death and permanent disability coverage applies worldwide in the GPA policy. But for accidental hospital visits, outpatient services, and medical expenses, coverage is only within India.

9. If someone in a group personal accident plan loses their job because of a disability from an accident, do they get the full sum insured?

No, the insurer typically doesn't provide the entire sum insured for job loss due to disability. Instead, a predetermined percentage, up to a maximum limit, is usually paid in such situations. However, this additional benefit isn't available in all group personal accident plans from different insurers.

10. Do this policy can be availed in case of a natural death?

No, this policy can’t be availed in case of a natural death. Personal accident insurance covers accidental death, not natural death. You need to specify the beneficiary's name in the policy document. If you pass away due to an accident, the death benefit will be paid to the nominee.

11. Can a plane crash be considered as an accident for group personal accident insurance policy?

Yes, it is an accident.

12. What is usually included in the group personal accident insurance permanent disability clause?

Permanent disability coverage in GPA insurance usually includes:

  • Losing both legs, both hands, and vision in both eyes in an accident.
  • Losing one hand, one foot, or vision in one eye in an accident.